Friday, October 22, 2010

Website Update

It's good to have my camera back in action. I've just updated my website with pictures from the Sweet Streets Festival openings and happenings. It was a busy couple of weeks full of action and excitement. Met so many cool people I'm having hard time remembering everyone's names. The closing party is tomorrow night, and I'm looking forward to some small downtime after that, catch up on the tv series, read some comics, lie on the couch and veg out and plot the next move..

thank you to everyone who gave me nice feedbacks, and made me feel welcome to my new adapted city.

Amnesty Wall Final Version

I went back a couple days later and finished up the wall. Added shadows and cables in the background. Had there been a ladder available, I would've added cables going up all the way over the windows. Overdid the whites on the faces, and now it looks like it's been snowing. Though that could look cool on a hot sunny day. Anyway it's done, and I'm pretty stoked.
Click here for more photos.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Amnesty International Wall

Thanks to Makatron, I got to take part in Amnesty International sponsored mural project.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Interview with Design Federation

Guys at Design Federation did an interview with me recently. good timing just before the opening tonight :)

Click Here to read it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010